Anywhere commerce

Anywhere commerce is a flexible approach to sales that allows customers to make purchases and interact with the brand anywhere and anytime.

Consistent customer experience

Een herhaalbare en consistente klantervaring, ongeacht of ze aankopen doen op de website, via de telefoon of in de fysieke winkel, wordt intuïtief, beïnvloedt tevredenheid en merkloyaliteit.

Greater convenience​

De omnichannel-benadering stelt klanten in staat om vrij tussen verschillende kanalen te navigeren, waardoor het aankoopproces gemakkelijker en flexibeler wordt.

Better understanding of the customer

Data integration from various channels enables a better understanding of customer behaviors and preferences, leading to more personalized offers and more effective targeting.

Increasing sales

The availability of various sales channels increases the brand’s reach and can lead to sales growth.

Strengthening customer relations

Delivering personalized, shopping-enhancing experiences that customers expect is the foundation for building relationships and increasing their loyalty.

Greater resistance and safety

Offering various sales channels can make the brand resilient to market changes and crises, such as restrictions related to a pandemic.

Why is Anywhere Commerce revolutionizing sales?

Revolution in e-commerce


Implementing the a-commerce approach means greater ease in adapting to rapidly changing trends.


Aggregating data within one cohesive model provides greater opportunities for data science and drawing conclusions about consumer behaviors.


A-commerce responds to customers’ expectations of being able to make purchases regardless of the time and place they are in and the medium they use.



A unified sales strategy provides greater opportunities for optimizing shopping experiences within the Customer Journey.


hat is Anywhere Commerce?

About Anywhere Commerce

A-commerce aims to provide a consistent and integrated customer experience regardless of where and how purchases or interactions with the brand are made.

Anywhere commerce in a few words is:

Three areas within Anywhere Commerce

Digital sales

Replicating the best features of offline sales in an online environment. It includes, among others, adapting and implementing e-commerce platforms, utilizing live/social commerce, and integrating and modeling sales within marketplaces.


The synergy of online and offline operations, where the brand provides a consistent and personalized customer experience through integrated communication and sales channels. It includes, among other things, unifying UX, combining digital and brick-and-mortar sales, and integrating tools that support online and offline channels into one cohesive data model.

Segmentation and loyalty

Customer segmentation and localization are key strategies used by companies to better understand customers, improve service, and build relationships. It includes, among other things, acquiring and working with own data (zero party data and 1st party data), actions to increase CLTV and retention rates, including implementing loyalty programs.


Łukasz Heine,

I believe in people, their enthusiasm and creativity, armed with new technologies, the synergy of which creates competitive advantages. The market is one of authentic organizations that are not afraid to show what they are like on the inside, putting people’s needs first and giving them space to be not just a good employee, but above all a good person.


Knowledge from the blog

Anywhere Commerce

CUX – polski startup vs. Hotjar. Jest się czym chwalić! to nowoczesne i wszechstronne narzędzie analityki internetowej, które wywołało poruszenie na arenie międzynarodowej. To zasługa jego wyjątkowej funkcji UX Automation, która obecnie pozostaje unikalnym rozwiązaniem na rynku globalnym. Co istotne, narzędzie to zostało stworzone przez polską firmę. Jest się czym chwalić!

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11 metod, dzięki którym usprawnisz zbieranie danych w Google Ads

Czy wiesz, że prawdopodobnie tracisz nawet 30% danych z narzędzi marketingowych, których używasz? Ograniczenia w ich zbieraniu są coraz większe. Warto zatem wykorzystać wszystkie możliwe sposoby, aby zmaksymalizować ilość informacji o Twoich odbiorcach, ich zachowaniach, a także wynikach prowadzonych działań. Poznaj TOP 10 sprawdzonych sposobów, które na co dzień stosują nasi specjaliści zarządzający kampaniami w Google Ads. To, jak dużo wartościowych danych gromadzisz, przekłada się na podejmowanie lepszych i bardziej świadomych decyzji biznesowych!

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